Saturday 24 March 2012


SQ4R is a reading comprehension strategy. SQ4R are the different steps:

S is for survey, as you scan over the text you are going to read.
Q is for question, as if you question what you are surveying then you are more active in your learning.

R is for read.
R is for recite, you say the content out loud, as you may be able to understand it better.

R is for relate, relating the material to what you already know which makes it easier to understand.
R is for review, repeat the survey process again.

I think this process it better than just reading the information, as when I read my textbooks I do not comprehend what I am reading. I am just reading and have no idea what the textbook was talking about. By pre reading, reading, and post reading it makes the information “stick” better. You will be able to understand the information. Here is a link to a website that outlays the SQ4R method out nicely: SQ4R is a reading comprehension strategy. SQ4R are the different steps:
I think teaching this strategy to children would be great. Some children read a textbook, but have no idea what they are reading, so doing this in your classroom may be useful for some students, but other students may find it very tedious and not useful for them, as they understand the information when they just read it. I think this is a great method to use through and I will try to use it with the rest of my schooling.

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