Saturday 10 March 2012

Functional Approach

In class today we discussed functional analysis approach. We had a discussion question which was: a student in your class, Cody, refuses to do his desk work. What are three possible purposes or functions for this behaviour and suggest alternative behaviours he can learn or adopt to meet each purpose or function?
The three purposes or functions for Cody’s behaviour we discussed were:
1.      Doesn’t like sitting in a desk
2.      He has different learning styles
3.      Doesn’t respect the teacher or doesn’t response to teacher
Alternative behaviours he can learn or adopt to meet each purpose or function is:
1.      Sitting at a bigger table so Cody does not feel so confined to his desk and hopefully able to do his desk work.
2.      Getting someone to read the directions and help him with his desk work.
3.      Discuss with Cody what you can do as a teacher to help him learn and help him realize that you want him to succeed. Ask yourself is there something you are doing that is making the situation worse?

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