Saturday 10 March 2012

Classroom Management

When I was in grade 3 I remember my teacher would give us a check mark on this board when we did something good and she also took check marks away when we did something bad. At the end of the week we got a jelly bean for each check mark. The other types of classroom management I remember my teachers using is positive reinforcement, or negative punishment, as if we did something good the teacher would praise us, but if we did something wrong we would have to sit in the hall, or put our head down on the desk or something like that. I think getting a treat is good sometimes, but should not be used all the time, as children need to realize that every time you do something you are supposed to do you do not get a reward like candy. Although getting something is sometimes nice to motivate students and get them to look forward to something. I think doing something as a class would make the class work together and be more cohesive. For example putting marbles in a jar when the whole class is good and when the jar in full the class gets to have a pizza party. Having a group reward may be a positive thing in your classroom as the whole class is looking forward to something and will work together to get it. Therefore, I may use this classroom management technique in my classroom, depending on the grade I am teaching as I think elementary students would response better to this than high school students.       

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