Tuesday 20 March 2012


We watched a video in class the other day where Andi Bell was able to memorize 5 decks of cards. It was pretty amazing here is the video:
Here is the video where he explains how he did it:

Andi was able to do this, because he related the cards to a picture and visualize the card being in that place. This is called the Location method or the Loci method.

I found another person, Ron White who was able to do the same thing. He is a two time national memory champion winning the USA Memory Championship in 2009 and 2010. Here is a video of him memorizing different things and he explains how to do it:
Here is also his website: http://www.brainathlete.com/meet-ron-white-memory-expert/ where you can learn more about Ron White and how he does what he does.  
I think memorizing things like that is very interesting. It is a simple technique that everyone can do and I think it can work with simple things to memorize, but learning subject content like astronomy, psychology, sociology, ect. is much hard. Rehearsing the information, deep processing, elaborating, constructing images, and organizing information are all ways for people to encode information. I think all these ways help people learn the information. Rehearsal is just memorizing the information and continually repeating the information over and over again. Therefore, you are not really learning and understanding the information you are just repeating it. Deep processing you are thinking about the information and going more in depth into the information, so you understand the information more. Elaboration is extending the information like giving examples to understand the information more in depth and relate to something you already know. Constructing images is a form of elaboration, as you picture the information and relate it to something you know. Organization helps you retrieve the information as you know where to go to get the information.

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